When is the best time to drink tea?
When is the best time to drink tea?
Drinking tea will help support your body well. However, few people know how when drinking tea will help improve health.
A cup of tea per day not only helps you improve your body's resistance but also prevents many diseases. However, you must know the right time to drink tea to make the most of it. So at what times is it considered beneficial to drink tea?
Let's explore with Huongmai Cafe through the article below.
Drink tea after breakfast
If you have a habit of using green tea every morning, this is very good for your health. You should use it after having breakfast 30 minutes before. This will help the digestive system work better, food easier to digest.
Drink tea after meals
Tea will promote the best benefits when you drink it about 30 minutes after each meal. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to enhance the taste. This makes it easier to metabolize food and can aid in weight loss.
Drink tea after dinner
After dinner about 30 minutes, you can use tea, which helps stimulate good digestion and makes you not bloated after eating. However, the caffeine in tea also causes insomnia, so you should drink it at least 2 hours before going to bed. Or you can add a few drops of honey or jasmine scent to prevent insomnia.
Drink tea before exercise
One of the times when you should drink healthy tea is before a workout. Drinking tea can help burn a lot of fat thanks to the caffeine component, instead increasing the energy that will help you train for a longer time. In addition, tea can also speed up recovery after an intense workout.
Drinking tea in winter
Tea has antioxidants, so a cup of hot tea in the winter in the morning is a great choice. This helps you to feel relaxed and full of energy. It is recommended to use tea 30 minutes after breakfast, before nap time and evening.
Note when drinking tea
Note that you should not drink tea on an empty stomach because the active ingredients in the tea will cause the acidic and alkaline substances in the stomach to be out of balance, which will seriously affect the stomach in the long run.
Tea has a sedative effect, but they will be counterproductive if taken close to bedtime or abused tea too much. You should also consider the dosage used, stop using immediately if you feel unwell or appear strange symptoms.
Hopefully the information that Huongmai Cafe provides through this article will help you drink tea at the right time to promote the great benefits of tea.