Currently, there are 3 common methods of pre-processing coffee: dry pre-processing, wet pre-processing and honey pre-processing. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The following article Huongmai Cafe introduces you to 3 coffee processing methods. Please read along.

Dry processing       

This is a method where immediately after harvesting, people will dry the whole coffee beans in the sun. This method has the advantage that it is easy to do and does not take much effort. However, it has a huge disadvantage that it makes coffee beans take longer to dry, and is prone to mold from the inside. Especially when facing adverse weather, coffee cherries are prone to mold and mildew, leading to poor quality.

Because of the above disadvantages, people rarely process this method, especially for high-class coffee like Arabica.

However, if dry processing is done properly: high ripeness rate, drying on rigs, right time and temperature, avoiding mold, the coffee can taste better than other processing methods.



Wet processing      

For high-quality coffees, this pre-processing method is used to ensure the best quality. The process will take more effort, but in return the value of the finished coffee will be much higher.

Immediately after being harvested (collecting only ripe seeds, the amount of green beans must be limited to the maximum), people will bring the coffee cherries to grind. Then put it through water to treat, filter out the viscous outer layer and then bring the rest of the filling to incubate to ferment. The fermentation process is only completed when the husk becomes rough and clean.



Finally, the coffee beans will be washed and dried, then removed the outer husk is the finished product.

The drying process is also very elaborate, do not dry it directly on the ground because it will absorb moisture. When drying, it is necessary to spread evenly so that all seeds are evenly dried, the drying process ends when the seeds are not broken, this requires a lot of experience from the farmer.

Coffee prepared with the wet method will taste clean, balanced and light in texture.

Honey processing

This cooking method is also quite similar to wet processing. However, they will not remove or retain all of the viscous matter before drying. It is this that will give the coffee bean a dark brown color similar to honey, true to the name of how honey is processed.

Coffees processed in this way will retain quite a bit of sweetness and increase the flavor when enjoying.



The above article Huongmai Cafe introduces you to 3 popular coffee processing methods. Hope this article was useful to you.