Drinking coffee in the morning is a habit of many people. So is this habit good or not, should it be maintained or given up to ensure the best health? Let's find out with Huongmai Cafe through the article below!

Coffee and health problems

How coffee works and affects health is a concern that people have been paying special attention to for a long time and to the present. In the 17th century, in Europe, coffee was identified to aid digestion and treat gout.

In fact, studies have shown that in people who don't drink coffee regularly, the amount of caffeine in two cups of coffee increases blood pressure by 2-3 mm Hg, a relatively small change. In regular coffee drinkers, this phenomenon does not occur, which means that coffee does not have a big effect on blood pressure problems.



Coffee information causes heart attacks?   

The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine, which acts on the central nervous system and creates a feeling of euphoria by creating a slight increase in heart rate when you enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. This slight increase is not permanent and only temporary, so drinking one or two cups of coffee a day, one after breakfast and one after your nap, will help you avoid fatigue tired and sluggish at work.

Given the information that coffee is the cause of the initial manifestations of obstructive disease in the arteries of the heart, the answer is "yes". However, the risk of coffee causing heart attacks is very small, and occurs only in a small number of coffee enthusiasts or depends on genetic factors. Unfiltered, boiled coffee contains oils that can increase LDL cholesterol plaque, which also contributes to the development of coronary heart disease that you need to be aware of.

Is it good to drink coffee in the morning?        

You should drink coffee scientifically, especially in the morning, when the body prepares for a new day's work cycle. When you drink coffee every day, the body will be activated with strong antioxidant properties.


Drinking coffee in the morning has many health benefits. One of the greatest benefits is boosting the brain and maintaining alertness for the drinker. However, is drinking coffee in the morning really good?

Currently, many people have the habit of drinking coffee right after waking up or before having breakfast. This is a bad habit that you should get rid of right away. Instead of keeping the body awake, this harmful habit will make the body feel tired, anxious, heart beat faster and adversely affect the stomach.

Therefore, people should pay attention to choosing the right time to drink coffee. The best time to enjoy a cup of coffee is 1-2 hours after breakfast.

What are the benefits of drinking coffee in the morning?

Coffee gradually becomes an indispensable drink of many people before starting a new working day. A cup of coffee in the morning will help you wake up and increase your ability to focus on work. A study at John Hopkins University showed that drinking coffee can boost memory for at least 24 hours.


Besides, enjoying coffee in the morning also helps to increase blood circulation. From there, the amount of oxygen transported to nourish the muscles will be more. And yet, drinking coffee in the morning before exercising about 1 hour will help reduce aches and pains.

So is drinking coffee in the morning good? The article on Huongmai Cafe hopes to help you answer your questions. If you are a "follower" of coffee, don't forget to drink coffee after breakfast to protect your health!