Surely, many people wonder if drinking pure coffee is good? Will there be any effect on health? The following article, Huong Mai will help readers better understand the problem you are wondering.

1. Overview of pure coffee

Pure coffee is a type of coffee that is made from ingredients that are 100% coffee beans, without impurities such as popcorn, roasted beans or by-products, preservatives, and other chemicals. Therefore, drinking pure coffee will be safe and not harmful to users' health.


2. Nutritional composition of pure coffee

Nutritional value of pure coffee beans: In 100g of coffee beans contains the following nutrient content:

• Water: 2.2g

• Energy: 1kcal

• Fat: 11g

• Protein: 8.6g

• Sugar: 36.7g

• Many minerals: Calcium: 2mg, Sodium: 3mg, Iron: 2mg, Phosphorus: 170mg, Caffeine: 2g,...

• Vitamins: Vitamin B2: 2mg, Vitamin PP: 3.5g,…

• Lots of Antioxidants

3. Uses of pure coffee for human health

The great benefits of coffee for our health:

• Provide abundant energy, help the body stay awake, reduce stress, depression, fatigue.

• Supports fat burning, helps to lose weight.

• Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cirrhosis, cancer, etc.

• Reducing the risk of dementia diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, etc.

• Reduced risk of stroke

• Cure headache

• Diuretic

• Support to increase resistance


4. Is it good to drink pure coffee?

With the characteristics and uses of pure coffee mentioned above, the answer to the question "Is drinking coffee good?" Definitely: YES. However, like other drinks, it is necessary to drink coffee in the right way and in the right amount to maximize the health benefits of coffee. Do not abuse caffeine too much and coffee is not necessarily suitable for everyone.

5. The most beneficial way to drink pure coffee for health

• Do not drink more than 4 cups of coffee per day, so drinking coffee every 3-4 hours will be beneficial to health, not causing any effects on the body.

• Do not abuse drinking too much coffee with a strong concentration because drinking solid coffee will make blood pressure rise, heart beat faster, cause alertness, insomnia, stress which is harmful to health.

• Limit the amount of sugar in coffee because drinking a lot of sugar will increase blood sugar levels, affecting metabolism in the body.

• Do not drink pure coffee when hungry: When you are hungry, drinking coffee is very easy to make you coffee drunk, your hands and feet are weak, headaches, etc. In addition, coffee can also damage the stomach lining causing heartburn. , undigested.

• Do not drink alcohol after drinking coffee: Wine and coffee are both stimulant drinks that affect health, so do not drink alcohol after drinking coffee! Should drink coffee in the morning: After drinking coffee, it takes a long time for coffee to take effect. Therefore, you should only enjoy coffee in the morning so that your mind is clear, awake, intellectually focused to work and study effectively. Drinking coffee from the afternoon onwards can affect your sleep, so be careful when drinking.

• Should drink more water before or after drinking coffee: If you drink coffee but you do not drink enough water to supply your body, the body may become dehydrated, leading to fatigue. Who should limit drinking pure coffee?

• People with high blood pressure should limit drinking coffee because if you drink a lot, the caffeine compound in coffee will increase blood pressure.

• Pregnant women, people who often have insomnia, you have a bad digestive system, etc. Now you know whether drinking pure coffee is good or not. Please note the above things to drink coffee most effectively.

Huongmai hopes this article will be useful to you!