Coffee tasting and tasting, also known as cupping, is a process performed by experienced professionals in the industry to assess the quality of coffee beans. From the process of testing the coffee sample, it will consider the aroma, acidity, smoothness and rich taste ... of that type of coffee. Let's find out with Huongmai Cafe through the article below.

Methods of trying and tasting coffee

Step 1: Choose the type of coffee beans to try, grind some coffee with suitable fineness.

Step 2: Make a cup of Espresso or Regular Coffee. The water in which the coffee is made is very important, as it will affect the characteristic sour taste of the coffee. It is best to use purified water or filtered water to get the best taste.



Step 3: Stir a few rounds of the coffee cup and bring your nose close to the cup to smell.

Step 4: Put half a teaspoon into your mouth, swish your mouth to make a noise several times to mix the coffee with air, saliva, etc. At this time, the tongue will be easier to feel the taste of coffee. 

Sensation of the senses

When tasting and tasting coffee, the tongue can distinguish many subtle flavors in coffee. However, roasted coffee beans have about 800 different flavors, while human senses only perceive a few flavors.

To be able to fully appreciate the flavors of coffee requires a keen sense of touch beyond just enjoying pure coffee, and a certain amount of experience. The famous coffee tasters in the world have one thing in common that they are all top coffee enthusiasts, tasting and trying coffee with all their passion.


Different parts of the tongue detect different flavors: the upper and innermost parts of the tongue perceive the bitterest taste; The side of the tongue will feel bad taste (smelly, moldy, etc.) the tip of the tongue will feel the most specific taste.

Describe the taste of coffee

After trying and tasting, the most important thing is to know how to describe and name the taste of coffee. The following terms will help describe the characteristics of coffee more clearly.

Aroma: The scent emanating from a cup of coffee mixed with hot water

Fragrance: The aroma of powdered coffee after being ground

Balance: Just the balance in a cup of coffee, from aroma to taste with absolute balance.


Complexity: Describes a coffee that feels like it has layers of flavor, and that the flavors are changing and rotating, while providing a sense of depth and resonance.

Body: Coffee taste in the mouth. This feels the richness, bar, or mild taste of coffee

Rich: This word expresses when the smell of coffee is very fragrant, very mild, bar, richer than usual.

Mellow: Used to describe the sweetness of coffee without acrid or bitter.

Acidity: The sour taste of coffee. Arabica coffee beans are a type of beans with a characteristic sour taste and very delicious

The above article Huongmai has reference, hopes to provide you with information, know how to try and taste coffee properly, enjoy the full taste of standard coffee.