Coffee is a popular drink in Vietnam and many countries around the world. When it comes to the effects of coffee, most people think that the biggest use is anti-drowsy, uplifting.

Many studies demonstrate that coffee is the main source of antioxidants in the Western diet. It also offers many other health benefits such as a reduced risk of diabetes and liver disease.

However, is the effect of coffee really beneficial for your brain? Let's find out with Huongmai Cafe through the article below.


Active ingredients in coffee

Coffee is considered a healthy drink because it contains hundreds of biological compounds that are beneficial for all parts of the body. Many of these compounds are antioxidants, which fight free radical damage.

The important active ingredients of coffee include:


This is the main active ingredient in coffee. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. The caffeine in coffee is a widely consumed stimulant around the world.

Chlorogenic Acid (CGA)

The group of CGAs are polyphenol antioxidants that are beneficial for controlling the functioning of certain parts of the body. For example, blood sugar metabolism, blood pressure regulation. Both of these factors, if not controlled, will cause the risk of age-related decline in cardiovascular and brain function.

Cafestol and kahweol

These 2 compounds are present in pure coffee essential oil. They are good for the liver and fight cancer cells. However, if you ingest too much of these compounds, you may experience high cholesterol.




When coffee is roasted, this active ingredient forms nicotinic acid, also known as niacin (vitamin B3). Trigonelline also has the ability to prevent tooth decay by inhibiting the growth of oral bacteria.

The content of these active ingredients can be different in each cup of coffee. It depends on many factors, including the type of coffee bean, how it is roasted and how much is consumed per day.

Coffee is a healthy beverage with hundreds of beneficial compounds including: caffeine, chlorogenic acid, trigonelline, cafestol and kahweol.

How does coffee affect the brain?

Caffeine affects the central nervous system in several ways. However, its main effects derive from the way it interacts with adenosine receptors.

Adenosine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that promotes euphoria. Caffeine and adenosine have a similar molecular structure. So when the compound caffeine is introduced into the body, it competes with adenosine for binding to natural receptors in the brain. From there, it boosts the central nervous system, making you feel alert.

Caffeine is a substance that increases brain function. It inhibits adenosine, which makes you sleepy, to keep you awake.

Coffee boosts brain function

Many scientific studies confirm that caffeine can boost brain function in the short term. This is largely because it prevents adenosine from binding to its receptors.

Besides, caffeine also stimulates the central nervous system by promoting the release of other neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin.

Caffeine may also improve other brain functions, including:

Mood regulation

Speed ​​up reaction

Increase levels of concentration and other mental functions.

It is worth mentioning that over time, your body's tolerance to caffeine will increase if you drink coffee every day. This means that in the future, you will need to drink more coffee than you do now to get the same effects.

Caffeine releases neurotransmitters to improve mood and speed up brain reaction and focus.


The effect of coffee on memory

Coffee and caffeine can also affect your memory. Some studies have found that caffeine has the ability to enhance short-term memory.

However, the effect of coffee on human long-term memory is still controversial.

In a sense, coffee is a drink that enhances your memory.

Coffee reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia worldwide. It usually starts slowly but gets worse over time.

The good news is that regular coffee drinking will reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease and memory-related problems by 65% ​​(information from Healthline).

There are scientific studies that show that drinking coffee in moderation reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

At the right level of consumption, the effects of coffee are not only good for your brain, but also for your overall health.

The above article Huongmai Cafe has references, corrections and additions. Hope this article provides you with useful information.