When is the best time for your morning coffee?
When is the best time for your morning coffee?
Research now shows that people get the greatest benefit if they start drinking their first cup of coffee at 9:30 AM, according to the Daily Mail.
That is, instead of drinking coffee before going to work, eat breakfast and save your cup of coffee until the midday break.
Statistics show that 7 out of 10 people are addicted to coffee and many cannot live without coffee. So when is the golden time for a morning cup of coffee? Let's join Huongmai Cafe to refer to the article below.
Most people drink their first cup of coffee within minutes of waking up or as soon as they sit down at their desks. But studies show that the best time to drink coffee is actually between 9:30 AM and 11 PM.
Why drink coffee during this time?
The timing of coffee drinking is linked to the stress hormone cortisol, the body's stress and alert hormone, and in high levels, it helps to stay awake.
Studies show that levels of this hormone are elevated upon waking, and that drinking coffee early increases levels of this hormone even more, leading to restlessness, stress, and anxiety.
Cortisol levels change throughout the day. In the early morning, cortisol levels are highest to stimulate waking, then gradually decrease throughout the day. Previous studies have shown that cortisol levels are highest in the morning and drop throughout the day, with two major drops occurring between 9:30 AM and 11 PM, from 1 PM to 5 PM.
Because caffeine also stimulates more release of this hormone, many experts recommend drinking coffee only when cortisol levels are lower – that is between 9:30 AM and 11 AM, to reap the high-energy benefits. and avoid feeling restless, according to the Daily Mail.
Expert Amanda Maucere, a sports nutritionist based in Florida (USA), previously told the Well and Good health website: It's a good idea to wait a bit before having your first cup of coffee in the morning.
She added: “While cortisol is helpful for aiding alertness, its elevated levels are also harmful during times of stress. So, combining an already elevated cortisol with a spike in coffee creates an unnecessary stress response in the body.
This reaction will be minimized by waiting about 1 hour before enjoying your morning cup of coffee. Another study also showed that drinking coffee early in the morning can also change the body's hormonal system, according to the Daily Mail.
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