Together with Huongmai take advantage of the coffee grounds to create a face scrub with coffee grounds that is both economical and effective.

Surely most of the women who work in the office every day use a cup of coffee to keep their minds awake and work more efficiently, right? Then don't rush to throw away the coffee grounds because this is a magical beauty ingredient.

As you know, besides washing your face properly, periodic exfoliation for the skin is very important. So we can take advantage of the antioxidant and skin-purifying properties of coffee grounds to create an economical but extremely effective exfoliation.

Here are 3 recipes for exfoliating face with coffee grounds that I have synthesized from reputable beauty forums as well as recommended by dermatologists. Let's find out together girls.



  1. Exfoliate with coffee grounds, brown sugar and olive oil

Brown sugar contains abundant glycolic acid and countless tiny particles, cleansing the skin more gently than sea salt without causing burning, redness. Brown sugar and coconut oil soften the skin and provide it with much-needed moisture.


½ cup of coffee grounds

15g brown sugar

15ml coconut oil or olive oil (can be replaced with grapeseed oil, almond oil)




Step 1: Mix coffee and brown sugar together and add olive oil last. Stir well and then apply the mixture to the face after it has been cleaned and not completely dry.

Step 2: Gently massage in a circular motion for a few minutes. After about 5 minutes, wipe it off with a soft cloth moistened with water.

Step 3: Finally, wash your face with cold water to close the pores. Blot dry with a cotton towel and do 1-2 times a week to keep the skin regenerated and smooth.

  1. Exfoliate with coffee grounds and yogurt

Yogurt is rich in vitamins A, B1, and B2, which softens the outer layer of the skin's horny layer, making it easy to exfoliate. Yogurt is also a gentle ingredient suitable for all skin types.


½ cup of coffee grounds

100ml unsweetened yogurt




Step 1: Mix the above two ingredients and apply evenly to the face after cleansing.

Step 2: Gently massage on the skin for 1-2 minutes.

Step 3: After 5 minutes, let the mixture rest on the skin, take a soft damp towel to wipe it and then wash your face with water.

  1. Exfoliate with coffee grounds and coconut oil

This formula is suitable for those with dry skin. Coconut oil has the ability to provide moisture to the skin. Besides, coconut oil limits the formation of melanin, combined with coffee grounds to help brighten the skin, reduce dark spots.


½ cup of coffee grounds

30ml virgin coconut oil




Step 1: Mix coffee grounds with coconut oil until it becomes a thick paste.

Step 2: Apply the mixture on the skin and then gently massage for about 1 minute and rinse with warm water.

Step 3: Applying this method when the weather is dry will make your face smooth after exfoliation.


- Massage gently so as not to damage the skin surface

- Absolutely do not exfoliate if the skin is severely acne or has an open wound.

- Regularly replenish nutrients for the skin with masks, mineral sprays and creams every night.

- Always apply sunscreen in the morning 20-30 minutes before going outside.

In addition to the use of bringing you quality coffee to help regenerate positive energy every day, coffee grounds are also known as an extremely benign skin care method.

Above are the 3 most popular ways to exfoliate your face with coffee grounds, hope you have more useful information and easier and more economical skin care. Huongmai Cafe wishes you success.