Vietnam is always a destination that attracts tourists from all over the world to visit. Because of the diverse and rich cultures in the rhythm of daily life, some cultures are also extremely diverse and new for them to experience and visit, but especially in which it must be mentioned is the culinary culture of Vietnam. Vietnamese people. Especially the coffee drinking culture in Vietnam, many tourists have said that their experience of enjoying coffee in Vietnam is very new to them, extremely special, but they are unlikely to find it. somewhere else. There is a special drink that many tourists wonder about because of its name, ""Bac Xiu"". They all wonder what this ""bac xiu"" name is that appears in many Vietnamese coffee shops. They even have to search on google to know for sure about this drink. Let Huong Mai Cafe help you learn about ""Bac Xiu"" What is “ Bac xiu”? Where did that name come from? Bac Xiu is a cultural feature that Saigon people always respect and cherish. The soul of that dish is kept in the old Saigon. Condensed milk coffee, silver custard and many other dishes, have followed the Chinese community to Saigon and become part of the city's heritage. Around the 50s and 60s of the last century, the streets of Saigon were filled with popular Chinese drink shops, often occupying favorable positions on street corners. It's known as a water shop, but it also sells breakfast food (hu tiu, shumai, dumplings) and drinks (tea, coffee). Coffee in the Chinese shop is mixed with a racket and super soil (which is very rare nowadays). In a nutshell, this is also a ready-to-drink coffee, suitable for the nature of the breakfast bar, and suitable for the poor working class who do not have enough time to wait for every drop of filter coffee like the upper aristocracy. save. Condensed milk coffee and Bac Xiu were also born in such popular coffee shops.

At that time, fresh milk was a luxury item, both rare and expensive. The working class is more familiar with Ong Tho or Con Chim special milk cans. Hot condensed milk has a slightly stale taste, so people thought of adding a little aroma of coffee to mask the smell. Depending on the amount of milk or coffee, the two different drinks mentioned above can be produced. More simply, Bac Xiu is composed of two main ingredients, coffee and condensed milk, but the milk part will be more than the coffee part. And this drink can be mixed in two ways, hot or iced Huong Mai Cafe has given you her own research about this drink with its special name. Bac Xiu can be said to be a drink with cultural characteristics of a period and to this day it is still a popular beverage that creates a highlight for coffee culture in Vietnam.